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Bob Menendez News

Senator Bob Menendez Found Guilty on All Counts in Corruption Trial

Federal Jury Delivers Guilty Verdict in High-Profile Case

New Jersey Democrat Convicted of Bribery, Conspiracy, and More

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) has been found guilty on all 16 counts of corruption charged against him in federal court. The jury reached its verdict after a three-week trial that included testimony from dozens of witnesses.

The charges against Menendez stemmed from his relationship with Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor and political donor. Prosecutors alleged that Menendez accepted bribes from Melgen in exchange for official favors, including intervening on Melgen's behalf in a visa dispute and a Medicare billing investigation.

Menendez has denied wrongdoing throughout the trial. He faces a potential sentence of up to 20 years in prison. The verdict is a major setback for Menendez, who is running for re-election to his New Jersey seat in the upcoming November election. It is also a significant victory for the prosecution, which has been investigating Menendez for several years.
